How To Clean Creosote From Smoker/Pellet Grill-4 Best Ways

Creosote is a brown, tar-like substance that can build up on the inside of a smoker. Creosote is highly combustible and must be removed from your smoker before it causes a fire. The good news is that it’s not hard to clean creosote from your smoker if you know how to.

Creosote can be necessary for the smoking process but too much can cause your smoker to malfunction.

When creosote ignites, it can release harmful fumes into the air and pose a fire hazard.

how to clean creosote from smoker

So, how to clean creosote from smoker?

One of the best ways to clean creosote is using a propane torch or weed burner torch, it will simply burn off all the sticky creosote residue you find inside the smoker into ashes. Or you can clean creosote from smokers by using a high-quality cleaner specifically designed for this purpose.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

What is Creosote and Why Should You Care?

What Causes Creosote Buildup in Smoker?

The 4 Best Ways to Clean Creosote From Smokers and much more!

You can also check How To Clean Mold Off My Grill – Best Way

What is Creosote and Why Should You Care?

Creosote is a thick, black, oily liquid that can form on the inside of a smoker or on the surface of the food. It is composed of tar, oils, and other chemicals that are created when wood burns. The word creosote comes from the Greek word “kreas” meaning fat.

creosote smoker

When wood burns, the molecules of its cells are vaporized at very high heat. If these vapors are then ignited, they will turn into a flame. If they don’t burn, we call it smoke. When smoke comes into contact with a cool surface, such as cold meat, it will rapidly condense.

Wood creosote is a condensed form made from unburned wood smoke. It’s essential to clean your smoker at regular intervals – because this is a highly flammable hydrocarbon.

Creosote is a byproduct of fossil fuels. and is created when there is incomplete combustion. In barbecue grills, creosote can build up over time if the grill has poor airflow.

Black oily coating meat

The buildup of creosote on the grill will cause a bitter taste in the meat and blacken it. If you have ever had a barbecue that was black and bitter and had an oily aftertaste, you’ve tasted creosote.

Don’t be tempted by that shiny-looking black layer of creosote inside the smoker, it won’t improve flavors.

The creosote often tastes like a bitter turpentine flavor, which can be quite unpleasant. The black oily coating it leaves on the meat can also cause a lingering aftertaste. Sometimes this can result in a tingling or numbing sensation on our tongue.

Here are a few facts about creosote:

  • Consuming a large amount of creosote can cause oral and stomach pains. Creosote is mainly made of phenol, cresols, and guaiacol. Wood creosote has been used in the past as a disinfectant, as well as to treat diseases, like coughs and leprosy. It has also been proven effective for pneumonia and tuberculosis.
  • When rats were given a large amount of wood creosote in one bout, they had seizures and died. When ever-smaller amounts were given over a long period of time, the rats developed kidney and liver issues and died as well. [Source]

What Causes Creosote Buildup in Smokers?

There are many factors that contribute to the buildup of creosote smoker. Creosote is a result of insufficient and incorrect wood combustion.

Some of these factors are the:

1. Type of wood chips being used

The best type of wood to burn is hardwood such as maple, oak, or birch because they produce more heat and fewer creosote deposits. You should always use seasoned wood in your smoker to avoid creosote.

2. The temperature of the grill

Smoking food at higher temperatures can lead to faster creosote buildup. One way to prevent this is to use low or moderate heat when smoking meat. This will cause less moisture to be quickly evaporated from the wood, inhibiting the build-up of tar and higher combustion levels.

3. Improper venting of the smoker

In the absence of adequate ventilation, creosote can build up and lead to a grease fire. It’s important that you have your smoker well ventilated to avoid creosote build-ups when smoking.

You should check the vents on your smoker before using it and open the doors if necessary. This will cause an airflow that prevents smoke from building up.

4. Inadequate air intake to the firebox

You need to make sure there’s enough airflow to your smoker. It’s easy, the fuels will burn properly with a sufficient air supply. All the fuel will be burnt and hence less creosote.

5. Incomplete combustion of wood.

After some hours of cooking, you realize that the pellets have stopped burning. I’ve experienced this multiple times. Just be sure to fuel up properly so that the pellets keep burning.

6. Allow enough draft to pull smoke out of the smoker.

7. Not cleaning a smoker after use

Whenever you are done with the smoker, make sure to clean the creosote from the smoker so you don’t have to deal with a lot more mess later on.


Is Creosote On Meat Dangerous: The Effects of Creosote on Your Smoker and Food

Creosote buildup on the inside of your smoker grill is generally not safe, as it can impart an unpleasant taste to your food.

If your meat has come into contact with excessive creosote residue, it’s advisable not to consume it. Creosote can give the food a bitter, acrid taste and may cause mild stomach upset if ingested in small amounts.

While small traces of creosote might not pose an immediate health risk, it’s best to avoid consuming meat that has a noticeable creosote flavor or is visibly coated with residue.

There are many reasons to care about creosote in smoker/pellet grill or a grill:

-It can be dangerous for your health. If you consume a lot of creosote, then it can have disastrous effects on your health for example stomach aches or dizziness.

-It can ruin your food. When you have too much creosote in smoker it affects the taste of everything you cook in it. It also makes your tongue insensitive to many different flavors.

-It can make your smoker smell bad.

– It demands more frequent cleaning to maintain the smoker’s efficiency and safety. Once creosote hardens, removing it becomes challenging, potentially affecting the functionality of the smoker. A buildup of creosote heightens the risk of grease fires, which can be dangerous and damaging.

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The 4 Best Ways to Clean Creosote From Smokers

Cleaning creosote from a smoker can be difficult at times, but not impossible. There are several methods that people have come up with to clean the creosote. In this section, I’m going to provide you with all the methods of cleaning creosote from smoker. It will be applicable to all different types of smokers.

Method 1: The Torch Method to Remove Creosote From Smoker

The best way to clean your smoker of creosote is with a propane torch or weed burner torch.

Please have a look at these three steps for creosote removal from smoker using a Weed Burner Torch or Propane Torch.

Step 1: Use a Weed Burner or Propane Torch

If your smoker has had a problem with creosote, one of the first things you may want to do is clean it out. One option to use is a propane or weed burner torch. This can be purchased at any hardware store or online and produces high heat.

You can burn off the creosote residue on your smoker with a propane weed burner torch, or other types of flame. Heat up the smoking racks and the inside of your smoker until bubbles appear or it crystalizes.

Please take precautions when working with propane torch since too much heat could damage the smoker parts.

You can watch as the creosote turns into ashes and falls off of grill grates and other parts of the smoker. Now you can simply clean the surfaces with a simple wipe.

Step 2: Use a Scraper or Wire Brush to Clean Creosote From Smoker

You should check for any creosote residue left behind. if you see some residue scrape it off with a scraper or a wire brush for grill.

The next step is to quickly wipe off the creosote residue with a damp towel. This will remove the leftovers and make your smoker like new again.


if you don’t have a weed burner or propane torch, you can use a scraper or a wire brush. This method is slower & takes longer than the first one but it is still effective. This is also better to do after you’ve just used the smoker as the creosote isn’t binding that strongly to the surface yet.

Step 3: Re-Season the Smoker With Vegetable Oil

It is crucial to protect your smoker after you’ve removed the creosote. Thoroughly cleaning it may seem like enough, but you want to ensure that it lasts.

There are many options when it comes to seasoning the smoker. Y. Vegetable oil is a popular choice, but it’s not the only one – you can also try bacon fat, red palm sunflower oil, or flaxseed oil.

Make sure to follow the same steps as you did when you first seasoned your smoker:

  • Clean the smoker and then use a coating of oil on the surfaces, racks, and grates.
  • Smoke the smoker for 2-4 hours at a high temperature.

Do this to get rid of any creosote buildup.

Method 2: Use a Creosote Remover Designed For Cleaning Creosote Build-up

The easiest way to clean your smoker is with a creosote remover cleaner that’s designed for that type of buildup. It will help break down tar and make it easier to clean.

You can purchase them at most hardware stores or even find them online. Rutland Creosote Remover is one of my favorite products as well. It’s effective against creosote buildup and if used regularly it’ll even help prevent this from happening in the first place.

Via Rutland Creosote Remover
  • First, remove any food debris from the smoker. Next, follow the instructions on the cleaner to clean the creosote from smoker properly and safely.
  • Once you’ve finished cleaning your smoker, dry it and reseason the smoker to prevent any damage or corrosion from chemicals in the cleaner.

Method 3: Using Homemade Creosote Remover to Clean Creosote From Smoker

If you’re not too keen on the idea of using traditional cleaning solutions which usually contain lots of chemicals, it’s worth considering making your own DIY homemade creosote remover at home.

Plenty of homemade smoker cleaner recipes are available online.

What Dissolves Creosote?

Vinegar, water, and baking soda solution

One popular solution is to use water, vinegar, and baking soda.

Mix together vinegar, water, and dish soap to create a soapy cleaning solution. Apply this solution with a good grill brush inside your smoker until all the soot is removed.

Be sure to rinse the smoker with water to avoid any damage to the smoker.

Method 4: Using Warm Water to Clean Creosote From Smoker

Some people recommend just applying warm preferably hot water to the grill grates to remove the unwanted creosote.

You can try adding some lemon juice salt, or baking soda to the water.

Soak the creosote area in the hot water.

This will soften the creosote. Keep it for some time. It’ll take a while, but once you feel that the creosote has softened up you can now clean them with a grill brush and a wire brush.

Some people also use a gas grill or oven cleaner.

Traditional oven cleaners can be another great option for those looking to clean creosote from smoker. This is because the build-ups in your oven are just like those found in smokers such as smokers from cooking.

This is not recommended by most grill masters because it can leave harmful chemicals on your smoker that can damage the metal.

Wrap Up: How To Clean Creosote From Smoker

This article will help you in cleaning creosote from smoker and pellet grill. Most people try to avoid creosote, but sometimes even the most experienced smoker will still find it unavoidable.

Clearing out the creosote on your smoker is important for preserving the food quality and keeping you healthy.

Make sure to always have a propane weed burner and wire brush ready for when you need to clean creosote from smoker.

While it’s not recommended to use household cleaners, cleaners specifically designed for the job are one of the best options. They’re easy to use and a lot of people recommend them.

You can also create an effective creosote removal solution with common household items like vinegar, water, and baking soda; apple cider vinegar; lemon juice, and salt or baking soda.

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How to remove creosote from electric smoker?

If you have an electric smoker, the process of cleaning creosote from smoker is a little different

First, you will need to clean the smoker and remove any type of food or debris. Pour 2 cups of vinegar and 4 cups of water into a spray container and then shake it vigorously. Spray the vinegar on every surface that needs to be cleaned, wait 5 minutes, then scrub with a brush or wipe with a clean cloth or napkin.

After you’re done cleaning, make sure your electric smoker is dried thoroughly before using it again.

How do you clean creosote from a pellet grill?

Pellet smokers are high-quality appliances that often have pricey parts. Make sure you know the correct way to clean the creosote from the pellet grill/smoker, or else you might end up damaging it.

I don’t recommend using a weed burner on this high-end smoker. You could destroy the expensive paint job or melt off the components, not to mention risk wasting your money or ruining your expensive pellet grill!

A lot of pitmasters agree that the best way to clean creosote from the cooking grates of a pellet grill is by using a simple vinegar and water solution. Or you can use a grill cleaner like Citrus Safe grill cleaner.

You’ll rarely see any creosote buildup in pellet grills because pellets burn much cleaner than charcoal.

How to clean creosote from Traeger pellet grill?

In order to clean creosote from the Traeger pellet grill follow the below steps

  1. Remove the grates and other removable parts from the Traeger pellet grill to clean it.
  2. Use any degreaser like Citrus Safe grill cleaner or Traeger All-natural cleaner to clean the inside of the grill. This will cut down on time and labor because the grease will easily wipe off with a paper towel.
  3. Use a brush to scrub off any remaining creosote and wipe it with a cloth.
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